Sep 25, 2019

TCHAIK PROJECT 4 - When a week is short

Arriving now and doesn't know what the TCHAIK PROJECT is about? Start here =)

Readings of the week:

September 10th, 2019 - Tuesday

Hello! It’s not everyday that I’m overthrown by anxiety. There are days when I’m overthrown by a huge stomachache as well. But I’ll try to practice anyway. I’m still not satisfied with the consistency of days I practice nor the time I practice in one day, I think it’s not enough. I don’t intend to practice 8 hours in one day, I don’t even have this amount of time available in my routine. My goal right now is to practice 5 days a week (my professional schedule stops me from practicing every single day) between 3 and 4 hours each day. My good concentration does not last more than that.
Going back to today: I have about 3 hours to practice and a strong stomachache.
- Body warm up

Sep 16, 2019

TCHAIK PROJECT 3 - Baby steps

Hey there! Just arrived? Check out the TCHAIK PROJECT Introduction here.

Readings of the week:

On The Tchaikovsky Papers I'm still reading the Introduction and there I already found some interesting information. For example, the fact that letters were considered a literary genre and that those in the book, specially from Piotr's parents and his early letters belong to the Sentimentalism era, where feelings were the important issue. The fashion of the letter's text excerpts they put on the Introduction give a glimpse of the relation between this kind of text and Tchaikovsky's music. 
I read that not only his homosexuality was hidden from the public but also his preference to monarchy and Russian orthodox christian religion, and his musical heritage. For the atheist Soviet Regime it was important that one of the main Russian heroes was in line with the new beliefs. 
When Tchaikovsky was young there was a governess in his house for 5 years, Fanny Dürbach, who introduced him to several educational books written by women, all of them european. "The information provided by Fanny Dürbach further illuminates the cultural landscape of Tchaikovsky's upbringing, which served as an aesthetic background throughout his entire creative life." (p. xvi) They kept writing letters to each other throughout his life and met once again in 1893, his final year.

On The Art of Possibility I'm on the 3rd chapter, Giving an A. The author explains it a lot better than I do:

Sep 6, 2019

TCHAIK PROJECT 2 - Let the work begin!

This is the second week of the Project. How was the first week?

Second week

I thought it was a good ideia to start by telling you what I've been reading:

On the left you see The Tchaikovsky Papers, edited by Marina Kostalevsky. I'm reading this after the recommendation of a friend. It's been recently released by the Yale University Press and I'm reading it trying to understand more of who this composer was as a person, what shaped his artistic universe and how he related to the world. The book is a compendium of letters from Tchaikovsky and people close to him that were kept secret for centuries.

On the right you see The Art of Possibility, a book written by the conductor and teacher Benjamin Zander and Rosamund Zander, who works with family therapy and arts. I'm reading this book because of the perspective it shows, a different outlook on life, challenges and relationships (like the one I am trying to build with the Tchaikovsky Concerto).

I also would like to share a playlist on YouTube of what I'm watching for this project. You can see it here.

Now off to the practice diaries!

Sep 2, 2019

TCHAIK PROJECT 1 - First week

See the introduction to the Tchaik Project here!

August 20th, 2019 - Tuesday

Before opening the violin case I’m already gasping. We think anxiety comes only when we are performing? In my case it is already present even before I start practicing. I just posted the video introducing the TCHAIK PROJECT in Portuguese, and the exposition of the vulnerabilities of my journey as a violinist makes me tense. But when we go on stage isn’t it what we do? We expose all we have, everything we are, and the more we put ourselves into what we are playing, the more what the audience hears is the music.

Good process for us! =)

I had 15 minutes to practice. I did: