May 25, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 22 - Inconsistency, conversations and little stars

Click here to see the introduction of the TCHAIK PROJECT and know what it is about. =)

And here is a list with all the links to the practice diaries of this PROJECT.

September 1st, 2020 - Tuesday

Boy… difficult. I don't even know what I wrote and what I didn't. Many things I didn't. Last week I recorded the pieces for my Flausino Valle Strings Festival online recital. Many stuck moments and conclusions. I re-watched that TED on time management and did the math that the speaker suggests. I’m screwed. I have a lot more things to do than the hours available in the week, and the thing is that I’m not doing any of them, not even the little bit I have time for… Gotta organize this better…

Well, let’s go. There's still a piece to record, guess which one? Reinventio. I reinvented playing this piece again and had to change the strings yesterday because suddenly they were unplayable!

May 11, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 21 - Reflections on time

Click here to see the introduction of the TCHAIK PROJECT and know what it is about. =)

And here is a list with all the links to the practice diaries of this PROJECT.

August 3rd, 2020 - Monday

Important information: I passed the qualification exam! What a rich experience to listen what extremely competent people read and thought about the work I've done so far! 

I had only one little hour to practice between the online rehearsal of my orchestra and the Music Production course at Fimuca. Practice or not to practice?… Practice. This way I don't stay another day without touching the instrument.

- Body warm up

- Fooled around with #desafiocantodapraya

- 3 octaves scale, arpeggios and alternate scale in A major

- Play-through the Tchaik’s 1st mov. exposition, thinking I was playing for my violin section

  • I was observing and feeling in a very obvious way the left shoulder tensioning unnecessarily
  • the places I need to practice the most are the most obvious ones: tricky triplets and the whole codeta
  • the importance of memorizing, a good portion of what doesn’t come out is because THE HEAD doesn’t know, at least not at the speed it needs to be

May 8, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 20 - July of 2020, a very short month of this Project

And here is a list with all the links to the practice diaries of this PROJECT.

On the day I post the present bunch of diaries (May 8th, 2021) Brazil has lost over 400.000 lives to Covid-19.

July 19th, 2020 - Sunday

I am still in social distancing, but the city, apparently, is not. The death toll from Covid-19 in Brazil has exceeded 75,000.

The last day I wrote before today was June 28th. 

June of 2019 was the first time I recorded the piece Reinventio, for solo violin, composed in 2018 by Alexandre Lunsqui. I recorded it again now for a video-dance project I proposed to the Municipal Theatre in these times of online performances. My project partners were Bruno Rodrigues and Márcio Filho, both from Balé da Cidade (the City Ballet, another artistic group inside the Theatre). Bruno danced and Márcio was in charge of editing the video. I loved the result, thought it was beautiful!

May 6, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 19 - Technique warm up system!

And here is a list with all the links to the practice diaries of this PROJECT.

Notice the consistency with which I was able to practice in the middle of a pandemic, in quarantine, learning a new way to perform my profession from home. All of this while feeling a sky-rocketing anxiety. Tough...

"Direita" means right and "esquerda" means left
June 16th, 2020 - Tuesday

- Body warm up

- 1 minute bows

I made a list of all the technique exercises I’ve been doing to see if somehow I come up with a system to them with a balanced frequency. I wrote down how long it takes me to do each of these exercises. But since I didn't know how long the 1 octave scales and arpeggios in one string takes, I decided to practice just that today, so I could time it. 

- 1 octave scales and arpeggios in one string in G minor (I timed it and I takes me about 25 minutes to practice them)

May 1, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 18 - Beginning of June, 2020

June 1st, 2020 - Monday

The time of things.

The time of things has changed. The things we do with our time have changed. I don't know how many days without practicing have passed, today was another one. It's almost half past midnight and I haven't had dinner yet. Inside of me, the usual hurry. Outside, completely different demands. I can no longer eat a snack on the subway while going somewhere. To cook. Every single day. Usually twice a day.

My boyfriend is here with me and he learned how to cook. We are both happy about it. He’s happy with the learning and independence, and I’m happy I don't have to cook every time anymore. Even with this relief, the house demands are an avalanche! Vacuum cleaner bag, dishes, garbage, laundry etc. Being at home all the time, and in 2 people, this demand has increased exponentially. And it takes time!