May 8, 2021

TCHAIK PROJECT 20 - July of 2020, a very short month of this Project

And here is a list with all the links to the practice diaries of this PROJECT.

On the day I post the present bunch of diaries (May 8th, 2021) Brazil has lost over 400.000 lives to Covid-19.

July 19th, 2020 - Sunday

I am still in social distancing, but the city, apparently, is not. The death toll from Covid-19 in Brazil has exceeded 75,000.

The last day I wrote before today was June 28th. 

June of 2019 was the first time I recorded the piece Reinventio, for solo violin, composed in 2018 by Alexandre Lunsqui. I recorded it again now for a video-dance project I proposed to the Municipal Theatre in these times of online performances. My project partners were Bruno Rodrigues and Márcio Filho, both from Balé da Cidade (the City Ballet, another artistic group inside the Theatre). Bruno danced and Márcio was in charge of editing the video. I loved the result, thought it was beautiful!

After I recorded the piece, I ended up taking care of so many things related to work and master’s degree that I didn't practice violin. I dealt with this and another project for the Theatre with meetings, emails, capturing some images, text writing, verification of audio and video editing. For the master's degree I prepared the report for the qualification exam, which takes place in less than two weeks, through video conference, of course.

And also my nephew was born! In the middle of this mess, the newest member of the family arrived. I’m super happy, but following the whole thing from home, through the cell phone.

After this non-intentional time off (I think it happened before in this Project, right?) of about 20 days, I think it’s good to resume gradually, as indicated in this video here

Noteworthy perception: the pain in the left shoulder that I’ve been feeling for a long time didn’t get any better during the time I didn’t practice, on the contrary, it got a little worse. Of course some of this is due to the lack of movement during quarantine in a small apartment, but this "worsening" makes me think that this injury or inflammation may not come from playing  the violin, but of how I carry my body in general, especially how I position my body during sleep.

- Body warm up

Maintenance Set (not in random mode)

- Whole bow staccato

- String crossing at 60 bpm subdividing in 2 and 3

- Vibrato without bow

- Whole step trills

- Staccato in the middle fo the bow, subdividing the beat in 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 at 60 bpm

- Schradieck I alla Benedetti (1. on A string, 2. on E, 3. on D and 4. on G)

- Open strings with 4, 3, 2 and 1 beat per bow at 60bpm

July 22nd, 2020 - Wednesday

- Body warm up

Maintenance Set

- Whole bow staccato

- String crossing at 60 bpm subdividing in 2 and 3

- Vibrato with bow

- Whole step trills

- Staccato in the middle of the bow, subdividing the beat in 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 at 65 bpm

- Schradieck alla Benedetti I (5. on G string, 6. on D, 7. on A and 8. on E)

- Open strings with 4, 3, 2 and 1 beat per bow at 60bpm

- Shifts starting with 1st finger on E string

July 23rd, 2020 - Thursday

- Body warm up

Classic 2 warm up Set

- Open strings with 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 beats per bow at 60bpm

- 1 octave scales and arpeggios in one string

Practice session interrupted by a serious family thing. I was glued to the telephone. In the end everything was fine, but I got very scared.

July 24th, 2020 - Friday

- Body warm up

Maintenance Set

- Whole bow staccato

- String crossing at 60 bpm subdividing in 2 and 3

- Vibrato with bow

- Half step trills

- Staccato in the middle of the bow, subdividing the beat in 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 at 70 bpm

- Schradieck XVI. 3. alla Benedetti

- Open strings with 4, 3, 2 and 1 beat per bow at 60bpm

- Shifts starting with 2nd finger on E string

- Kreutzer, étude n. 8 (for an online recital at an online music festival I've been invited to teach and play)


I played it through, the 3 movements, to see what I remember, what stayed and what didn’t. I confess it was better than I expected.

- 1st mov.: I have to work on the intonation of all the slower parts, all the connecting passages (usually in triplets), whole recap because it’s still pretty raw and the Coda (it seems like I don't believe I'm gonna make it and I feel it’s exactly that that makes me loose control and miss things)

- 2nd mov.: work with metronome, define fingerings and practice intonation.

- 3rd mov.: the passages in double stops I simply cannot play yet, all of them, with chords, octaves, drones etc. Practice a lot all of them. In the fast passages there is still disconnection between sight, mind and fingers, organize them. The tempo is not a problem, being tired yes.

In the end the left shoulder was sore and tense.

July 25th, 2020 - Saturday

- Body warm up

- Centering

Fast warm up set

- Whole bow staccato

- Vibrato (with attention to the shoulder and thumb)

- 2 octaves major scales in fixed position

- Kreutzer, étude n. 8 

Tchaikovsky I mov.

Not in random mode:

- Bars 105 to 127, the exposition Codeta (I was playing/practicing slowly, tuning note by note. I did the whole passage to start getting used to play the whole thing)

- Bars 282 to 303, the recap Codeta (I did the same thing as the other codeta)

Random mode:

- Bar 241 (fluency - to play without stopping -; intonation and bow distribution)

- Arpeggio in the end of bar 242 (intonation already thinking about bow distribution)

- Bars 243 and 244 (I remembered it playing a few times slower and went on playing in medium tempo, so I could pay attention to the intonation and leave the right hand very heavy and the left very light, because when it’s up to tempo, that’s what I want.)

July 26th, 2020 - Sunday

- Body warm up

Classic Mix Set (I don’t have that much time, so I adapted it, so I don’t repeat yesterday’s routine)

- Open strings with (from Classic 2) with 4, 8, 12, 14 and 16 beats per bow at 60 bpm

- 3 octaves scale and arpeggios n A major (from Classic 1)

- Double stops in A major, 3rds, 6ths and 8ves

Tchaikovsky 1st mov.

- Exposition Codeta (practiced like yesterday)

- Recap Codeta (same thing)

The ideia is to do that everyday for at least a month. If I manage to play THOSE passages, I can almost consider myself done.

July 27th, 2020 - Monday

- Body warm up

- Centering

Maintenance Set

- Whole bow staccato

- String crossing at 60 bpm subdividing in 2 and 3

- Vibrato without bow

- Whole step trills

- Staccato in the middle fo the bow, subdividing the beat in 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 at 70 bpm

- Schradieck XVI. 4. alla Benedetti (cheguei a 60bpm, continuar até 120)

- Open strings with 4, 3, 2 and 1 beat per bow at 60bpm

- Shifts starting with 3rd finger on E string

During the technical maintenance warm-up, I started to investigate other ways to position the violin, coming off the shoulder and more to the chest, to see if I take some load off the left side, I was focusing my attention on the shoulder and the thumb. I played the exposition of 1st mov. of the Tchaik to see how I felt. I found it lighter and also saw that I have the whole exposition memorized!

Tchaikovsky I mov.

- Exposition Codeta (same as yesterday)

- Recap Codeta (same thing)

Following this one month goal, it’s already the 3rd day straight doing that. I also practiced the performance of the 1st page of the Concerto, playing for my boyfriend.

With this new position of the violin I feel my left shoulder hurting a lot less.

July 28th, 2020 - Tuesday

- Body warm up

- Centering

Classi set 1

- 1 minute bows

- 3 octaves scale and arpeggios in D major

- Double stops in D major

Tchaikovsky 1st mov.

- Exposition Codeta (same as yesterday)

- Recap Codeta (same thing)

4th day of the goal. It seems that the more I practice, more details appear for me to practice…

TCHAIK PROJECT 21 - Reflections on time >>>

<<< TCHAIK PROJECT 19 - Technique warm up system!


The Tchaik Project is part of the Master’s Degree Research of Helena Piccazio, enrolled in the Master’s Program in Music at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP).

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